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If you have reached this far, probably means that you are some how interested in our story so thanks very much for that. If you finally decided to click on the donate button, I just want you to know that you really have contributed to something big and important that we will always remember. 


Today, we have the opportunity of donating to a real cause that can change the life of at least 7 persons.

Remember that any donation, small though it may seem, adds up! I understand that not everyone is in a position to contribute economically, but if we join to spread the word, we can do something wonderful together!

Many thanks in advance,





In Uganda life is complicated, there isn’t any type of social help to these types of cases, salaries are extremely low compared to the costs of living.

Your donation can really make the difference in our lives.

Thank you very much for you kind and generous heart and for showing solidarity for me and my family.


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